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๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ Users

The users are the main entities of the identity service. We will describe the user-related concepts and details in the following.


Each user has a profile containing all user information.

It consists of the following types of data:

  • Social identities: stores the user info retrieved from social sign-in (i.e., sign-in with a social connector), such as Facebook, GitHub, and WeChat.
  • Custom data: stores additional user info not listed in the pre-defined user properties, such as user-preferred color and language.
  • Basic data: is the basic info from the user profile. It stores all other user's properties except for identities and custom_data, such as user id, username, email, phone number, and when the user last signed in.

Here is a sample of a user's data which is retrieved from a sign-in to Facebook:

"id": "iHXPuSb9eMzt",
"username": null,
"primaryEmail": null,
"primaryPhone": null,
"name": "John Joe",
"avatar": "",
"customData": {
"preferences": {
"language": "en",
"color": "#f236c9"
"identities": {
"facebook": {
"userId": "106077000000000",
"details": {
"id": "106077000000000",
"name": "John Joe",
"email": "",
"avatar": ""
"lastSignInAt": 1655799453171,
"applicationId": "admin_console"

You can query the user profile using Admin Console or Management API, such as GET /api/users/:userId.

Basic dataโ€‹

Let's walk through all properties in of user's basic data.


id is a unique auto-generated key to identify the user in Logto.


username is used for sign-in with username and password.

Its value is from the username that the user first registered with. It may be null. Its non-null value should be no longer than 128 characters, only contain letters, numbers, and underscores (_), and NOT start with a number.


primary_email is the user's email address, used for sign-in with the email and passcode.

Its value is usually from the email address that the user first registered with. It may be null. Its max length is 128.


primary_phone is the user's phone number, used for sign-in with the phone number and passcode from SMS.

Its value is usually from the phone number that the user first registered with. It may be null. Its non-null value should contain numbers prefixed with the country calling code (excluding the plus sign +).


name is the user's full name. Its max length is 128.


avatar is the URL pointing to the user's avatar image. Its max length is 2048.

If the user registers with a social connector like Facebook and WeChat, its value may be retrieved from the social user info.


The value of application_id is from the application the user first signed in to. It may be null.


last_signed_in_at is the timestamp with the timezone when the user signed in last time.


password_encrypted is used to store the user's encrypted password.

Its value is from the password that the user first registered with. It may be null. If its value is non-null, its original content before encryption should be at least six characters.


password_encryption_method is used to encrypt the user's password. Its value is initialized when the user registers with the username and password. It may be null.

Logto uses Argon2's implementation node-argon2 as the encryption method by default; see the reference for details if you're interested.

Sample a password_encrypted and password_encryption_method from a user whose password is 123456:

"password_encryption_method": "Argon2i",
"password_encrypted": "$argon2i$v=19$m=4096,t=10,p=1$aZzrqpSX45DOo+9uEW6XVw$O4MdirF0mtuWWWz68eyNAt2u1FzzV3m3g00oIxmEr0U"


is_suspended is a boolean value that indicates whether a user is suspended or not. The value can be managed by calling the Logto Management API or using Admin Console.

Once a user is suspended the pre-granted refresh tokens will be revoked immediately and the user won't be able to get authenticated by Logto anymore.

Property referenceโ€‹

The following properties (except password_encrypted and password_encryption_method) are visible on the user profile, which means you can query them using Management API.

idstringUnique identifierโœ…โœ…
usernamestringUsername for sign-inโœ…โŒ
primary_emailstringPrimary emailโœ…โŒ
primary_phonestringPrimary phone numberโœ…โŒ
namestringFull nameโŒโŒ
avatarstringURL pointing to user's avatar imageโŒโŒ
identitiesobjectUser info retrieved from social sign-inโŒโœ…
custom_dataobjectAdditional info in customizable propertiesโŒโœ…
application_idstringApplication ID that the user first registeredโŒโœ…
last_sign_in_atdate timeTimestamp when the user signed in last timeโŒโœ…
password_encryptedstringEncrypted passwordโŒโŒ
password_encryption_methodstringPassword encryption methodโŒโŒ
is_suspendedboolUser suspend markโŒโœ…
  • Unique: Ensures the uniqueness of the values entered into a property of a database table.
  • Required: Ensures that the values entered a property of a database table can NOT be NULL.